Psalm 75:7 God is the Ultimate Judge

Psalm 75:7 God Is The Ultimate Judge

“7 But God is the Judge:He puts down one,And exalts another. ” Psalms 75:7 God knows our hearts, and there’s no getting away from His judgment. The good news is, God is fair in the way He judges us. God is just. By God is just, I mean that He is perfectly righteous in the […]

Galatians 6:2 Support One Another

Galatians 6:2 Support One Another

“2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. ” Galatians 6:2 No one can go through life alone. God did not create us to live by ourselves, on a deserted island. We are social beings, made in God’s image, and we are meant to thrive on Earth and bring glory to the […]

Happy Easter???

Happy Easter???

Resurrection Day is upon us in the sunshine state, and for many christian families, this means a day of celebration like no other. Why Resurrection Day instead of Easter? I call this special day for what it is, the day when the divine Savior was resurrected and rose from the dead. If you don’t already […]