”39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.”
Hebrews 10:39
To believe is one thing.
To be guided by faith, to take in the words of God and let them grow within our hearts, and then live them out in our daily lives, now that’s drive, that’s desire.
I find that believing in God is pretty easy when compared to the actual Christian walk, which has proven to be quite a challenging road…
Believing is really the first step of many, many more steps along the narrow path that leads to God.
To be driven by faith, one must be compelled to complete the work God gives us to do as we follow His lead and continue to humbly go where our heavenly Father needs us to go.
When we allow our faith to lead our footsteps, we are able to ignore the enemy’s attacks and we are empowered to resist temptation.
Faith Without Works Is Dead
”26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”
James 2:26
Faith itself is like a seed, which needs nurturing in order to grow. And just like any seed, if left alone and not watered, faith will eventually dry out and die.
God provides water for our seed in His Word. He shines light on our seed through prayer & worship, and feeds our seed through fellowship with likeminded servants.
As our seed grows into a plant, God will provide opportunities for us to blossom as servants in the way of works, sacrificial tasks to help increase our faith.
Remember, being a Christian doesn’t translate into a perfect, pain-free life.
Quite the contrary.
In His Word, God warns us that suffering will come, it’s inevitable.
But in those moments of suffering, believers are blessed that we can still glorify God and Christ, and find refuge in our faith.
To be driven by faith, we must allow Jesus to take the wheel and trust in His ways.
Just give Him the wheel…
Were you able to glean and grow from this message so God can be further glorified and His Kingdom magnified? If so, I would love to hear from you. Follow this link to get in touch… Let’s pray!
Father God;
We thank you for your presence in our lives,
We praise you Lord for the wisdom bestowed upon James,
And we ask you Lord to help us find joy in your perfect plan.
Allow us to praise and love each other through faith in you Jesus,
Shield us from evil through your Word, salvation and prayer,
Guide us to abide by the truth as we spread the good news to one and all,
And lead the lost to You.
God we pray that you will continue to bless us,
To bless our lives and fill us with hope.
We ask you Lord to guide our footsteps and lead us to the way everlasting,
Through faith in you Lord we seek salvation and our place with you in Heaven
According to your ways, your everlasting wisdom and strength.
May your will be done, here on Earth and through the vast Universe,
May our hearts be filled with your everlasting love and grace.
Praises to You God, Amen!
This message was written by Daniel St.Pierre