”20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:20
It’s another glorious day in South Florida, one more God given opportunity to shine and spread the great news about Jesus: That whoever believes in the risen Savior and repents of their sins will rejoice forever with God in Heaven!
While God’s promise of eternal life is seeded in faith in Jesus, it takes more than one introductory prayer to fuel the Christian walk.
For the seed to grow into the tree God needs us to be, we’ll need to water this seed and this is done through meditation, worship, dwelling in the Word and of course, in fellowship.
Let’s further examine the importance of Christian fellowship for our spiritual growth, drawing inspiration from the words of our Savior in Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
The words of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel remind us that when believers come together in His name, a powerful unity is formed. Fellowship goes beyond mere social interactions; it is about creating deep connections rooted in our shared faith.
In a world that often isolates and divides, Christian fellowship offers a refuge where we can find understanding, encouragement, and companionship. Just as the body is made up of different parts that function together, so too do we, as the body of Christ, find our strength and purpose through the bonds of fellowship.
Imagine a garden where seeds are sown but left to grow without water or sunlight. They will wither and struggle to thrive. Similarly, our faith needs nourishment and care to flourish. When we gather in the name of Christ, we create an environment where our spirits are watered by the Word, prayer, and the presence of fellow believers.
In this nurturing atmosphere, we can grow in knowledge and grace, deepening our relationship with God.
Encouragement vs Accountability
Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages us to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds,” and this is precisely what Christian fellowship enables.
When we walk alongside others who share our faith journey, we are uplifted and motivated to live out our beliefs in practical ways. Fellowship also provides a built-in system of accountability, as we help each other stay on the path of righteousness, offering correction and support when needed.
Life is filled with trials and challenges, and the weight of these burdens can be overwhelming when carried alone. In Christian fellowship, we find a community willing to share our struggles and provide comfort.
Galatians 6:2 reminds us to “carry each other’s burdens,” showing us that when we gather together, we can rely on the strength of others when our own strength falters. Through shared prayers and empathetic hearts, we experience the love and care of Christ manifested through our fellow believers.
Testimony Powered Evangelism
Our unity and genuine love for one another serve as a powerful testimony to the world. When outsiders witness the genuine care and support within a fellowship of believers, they are drawn to the transforming power of Christ.
Our gathering in His name becomes a beacon of hope, attracting those who are searching for meaning and truth. Thus, fellowship plays a vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission as we share the Gospel not only through words but also through our actions and relationships.
The words of Matthew 18:20 remind us of the incredible promise that Jesus is present when we gather in His name. Christian fellowship is not a mere social activity; it is a divine opportunity for us to grow spiritually, to be nourished by God’s Word, and to support and uplift one another.
As we forge deep connections and nurture our faith through fellowship, we embody the love of Christ, becoming a living testimony to His grace and goodness.
Let’s continue to gather in His name, seeking unity, growth, and transformation in the company of our fellow believers.
Were you able to glean and grow from this message so God can be further glorified and His Kingdom magnified? If so, I would love to hear from you. Follow this link to get in touch… Let’s pray!
Father God;
We thank you for your presence in our lives,
We praise you Lord for the wisdom bestowed upon Matthew,
And we ask you Lord to help us find joy in your perfect plan.
Allow us to praise and love each other through faith in you Jesus,
Shield us from evil through your Word, salvation and prayer,
Guide us to abide by the truth as we spread the good news to one and all,
And lead the lost to You.
God we pray that you will continue to bless us,
To bless our lives and fill us with hope.
We ask you Lord to guide our footsteps and lead us to the way everlasting,
Through faith in you Lord we seek salvation and our place with you in Heaven
According to your ways, your everlasting wisdom and strength.
May your will be done, here on Earth and through the vast Universe,
May our hearts be filled with your everlasting love and grace.
Praises to You God, Amen!
This message was written by Daniel St.Pierre