Parenting while Divorced

Today is my first Father’s Day. Our Lord has blessed me with the most incredible child in the world or at least, it sure feels that way every time I think of my daughter Grace. More than a small bundle of joy, Gracie is the fruit of my loins. She is the result of 10 […]

Which parts of the bible aren’t true?

I have been struggling with something my father-in-law said recently in regards to the bible. Apparently, according to Terry “Not everything in the bible is true. The bible is a collection of unverifiable stories assembled by religious fanatical leaders who were simply trying to keep people in line and fill the minds of the population […]

You are what you Drive

“This man should be ashamed of himself” I exclaimed as a shiny new Hummer drove up in the Calvary Chapel parking lot this Sunday shortly before the service. I immediately asked my friend Will what he thought about such obvious excess, his response continues to trouble me… It turns out Will would love to own […]

Spiritual milk versus Solid food

Gracie has been running a fever for two days now and it looks like Elizabeth and I will be spending Memorial Day at the pediatrician. Being parents sure has changed our lives… One of the biggest changes involves our desire to care for our child and answer her every need. We think much less about […]

Are you ready for the Rapture?

“Do you think Christ will come back in your lifetime?” To this age old question, most people I ask answer “yes”. The majority of Christians who know about the second coming of the Lord and the rapture of the church also feel Christ will return during their lifetime. It is unfortunate billions have been wrong […]

There is always a witness

No witnesses. This is at the root of sinful thinking suggesting if no one sees us sin then we are likely to get away with it. However, since God is always watching, there really is no such thing as “no witnesses”. This “no witness” mentality is also popular among violent criminals who assume by killing […]

Why bad things happen to good people

Why do bad things happen to good people? I mean why would God let our nine week old baby die?” a friend asked me this week. I replied “Because God felt there was no need for your baby to go through life to get to Heaven”. In deed, God is gracious enough to take children […]

Will you be among the Chosen ones?

“Because if you don’t live the Word, you best keep your mouth shut and not embarrass God by preaching one thing yet do another!” This was one comment among many in our Applied Apologetic class today and well reflective of an important issue among false Christians. Indeed, even Christianity is host to hypocrites and wanna […]

Ministering to believers and skeptics

Watching the Learning Channel’s David Blaine street magic special earlier today helped me realize how easily we humans can be fooled to believe almost anything we witness. Simple illusions or magic tricks become unexplainable mysteries. More than simple card tricks, experienced magicians will have anyone believe they are performing miracles. But to the trained eye, […]

Working on our weaknesses

Who needs to work on the areas where we are already strong? God often sets challenges for us in areas where we are weak and though this can be a frustrating issue to deal with, it is part of our spiritual growth and must be dealt with accordingly. Our small group was rocked by an […]