”13 bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.”
Colossians 3:13
Friendship is not easy.
For starters, friendship involves a minimum two people. And, it’s no surprise most people are different.
We all have our own needs and wants, our strengths and our flaws. We all have our sin.
What makes a Christian friendship different than secular relationships is, believers are called to provoke and encourage one another when needed…
”24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Hebrews 10:24-25
The problem with encouragement is, it requires effort.
You can’t encourage someone through prayer, by reading your Bible or singing songs of worship.
That’s not how friendship works.
Friendships take time.
Imagine a scenario in which one friend tells the other “I’m really struggling with addiction,” and the response is “Wow! That’s rough… thanks for sharing and opening up about that. I’ll pray for you! Gotta go. ttyl”
And that’s the problem with most friendships. There is no accountability because no one wants to be told what to do, and few people will put themselves out there to be labeled as judges.
Fact is, far too many “Christians” use prayer as an out to avoid conflict, or to prevent an eventual payback.
I grew up a non-practicing Catholic. I was baptized as an infant, then had first communion when I was 6 or 7 years old and later on, when I was around 11 years old, I was “confirmed” as a member of the Catholic church.
I’ll tell you one thing straight. We weren’t Christians, at all.
While everyone I knew was also a Catholic, friends, family, etc. no one “went” to church, unless it was Christmas Eve Mass, Easter, someone died or got married.
As a child and teenager, in our home and pretty much everywhere I went, I was exposed to widespread sin, and noticed how the lack of accountability was widespread.
Other than my parents, I can’t remember ever being held accountable for much.
One example is, I started driving cars when I was only 4 years old. With a ton of experience by the time I was 16, and legally entitled to get my driver’s license, I used to drive very fast, and my friends encouraged me to drive even faster.
Only God knows where I would be today if I had been led to God instead of tempted to honor the enemy.
Another instance when I wish I had godly influence took place when i was only 15 years young. I had sex with my girlfriend, and my friends praised me for my amazing score.
Needless to say, my friends were no good, like me.
So it’s a bit strange that I didn’t do drugs until I was 28 years old, and thanks to friends, I did magic mushroom, weed and even acid, all in 1994. Thanks to Roger and Shanna for being such great friends… 🙁
Here’s my point: Friends make you better and bring you closer to God.
I’ve met a lot of people in the recent year, more so than I averaged in a long, long time, perhaps decades.
I made acquaintances, most of them are not friend material. Most of them are not Christians, thank God!
Why do I say that?
Because most my Christians friends are even worse than the Catholic friends who constantly steered me away from Jesus.
At least, the Catholics don’t pretend they’re saints by dressing up on Sundays and sitting in pews while over paid, obese gluttons spew venom from their lecterns.
Choose your friends wisely. It’s not just a saying, it’s biblical!
A friendship is equally an investment, and an expense. It’s a 2-way street, and the only one in control of the flow, is Christ.
Be a good friend, and reach out top those in need. Comfort them, pray with them, seek help with them, walk with them, forgive and love them as God loves and forgives us…
Were you able to glean and grow from this message so God can be further glorified and His Kingdom magnified? If so, I would love to hear from you. Follow this link to get in touch… Let’s pray!
Father God;
We thank you for your presence in our lives,
We praise you Lord for the wisdom bestowed upon Paul,
And we ask you Lord to help us find joy in your perfect plan.
Allow us to praise and love each other through faith in you Jesus,
Shield us from evil through your Word, salvation and prayer,
Guide us to abide by the truth as we spread the good news to one and all,
And lead the lost to You.
God we pray that you will continue to bless us,
To bless our lives and fill us with hope.
We ask you Lord to guide our footsteps and lead us to the way everlasting,
Through faith in you Lord we seek salvation and our place with you in Heaven
According to your ways, your everlasting wisdom and strength.
May your will be done, here on Earth and through the vast Universe,
May our hearts be filled with your everlasting love and grace.
Praises to You God, Amen!
This message was written by Daniel St.Pierre