1 John 2:12-17 Do Not Love the World

Ever since Adam, and his divinely appointed bride, Eve, sin has always been a torment among the world. Because we are sinful creatures, we are led by instinct and self-preservation and driven by greed and selfishness. John continues his exhortation of believers, in hope their faith would be strengthened as each one endeavors to advance […]

1 John 2:1-11 The Test of Knowing Yahweh, God

Meant to edify and equip believers, John’s letters provide powerful scripture to be used as both pastoral and evangelical teaching. Much like today, first century Christians were engaged in battle with sin and evil. The apostle John teaches us that walking in Jesus’ footsteps will lead us to our Father in heaven, while straying off […]

1 John 1:5-10 Fellowship with Yahweh and One Another

In this, his first pastoral letter to the churches of Asia, the apostle John now addresses sin within the body, an evident ongoing battle against evil. John declares the almighty creator perfect and good, and man imperfect and flawed, unworthy of God’s mercy and grace. “5 This is the message which we have heard from Him […]

1 John 1:1-3 What Was Heard, Seen, and Touched

Written around A.D. 90 by the apostle John, the son of Zebedee and beloved apostle of Jesus Christ, this epistle targeted Gnostic which was spreading rapidly throughout the Roman provinces. Relying on the theory that matter is evil, and God is spiritual, gnostics preached a gospel other than Christ’s. John needed to expose this false […]

2 Timothy 4:17-22 The Lord is Faithful

Paul now concludes his second pastoral latter to Timothy, his spiritual son and appointed leader of the Ephesian church, planted during their second missionary journey through the region. The setting for the apostle’s outreach has Paul imprisoned in Rome, abandoned by fellow missionaries that feared their own life, as the apostle faced another trial before […]

2 Timothy 4:9-16 Paul, the Abandoned Apostle

In his second pastoral letter’s conclusion, Paul is imprisoned in Rome longing for Timothy’s friendship. The apostle felt abandoned, yet called on the name of the Lord to forgive those who oppress him, and the gospel of Jesus Christ, Lord of all. Paul felt his death near, and rushed the young church leader to visit […]

2 Timothy 4:6-8 Paul’s Valedictory

Around A.D. 67, the apostle Paul found himself imprisoned in Rome for the second time. Though it had become obvious to Paul his days on earth were counted, he would use this time wisely, exhorting believers through his beloved spiritual son, Timothy. Paul was lonely, after many believers carried on their mission leaving the apostle […]

2 Timothy 4:1-5 Preach the Word

Paul had previously warned Timothy about false teachers within the church, whom the apostle described as enemies of the truth on a mission to deceive and destroy. The young leader of the Ephesian church would now be warned against wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing, hiding among the church, preying on the week. “1 I charge […]

2 Timothy 3:10-17 The Man of God and the Word of God

Paul now gives praise to Timothy, for his willingness to serve and endure persecution that comes with faith in Jesus Christ and His gospel. Timothy had been warned to be on the lookout for wolves hidden in sheep’s clothing, roaming among the church preaching a blasphemous gospel, a message rooted in evil which surely leads […]

2 Timothy 3:1-9 Perilous Times and Perilous Men

In his pastoral letter to his appointed overseer of the Ephesian church, Paul now calls out the perilous men among the church so they can be purified, by the Holy Spirit, or cast out from the body so to prevent its cancerous destruction to spread onto other areas of the church. The time is A.D. […]