Acts 9:31-35 The Church Prospers & Aeneas is Healed

Because he caused quite a lot of turmoil among the church, and stirred Jews up to harmful levels, Saul was sent out to Tarsus, his place of birth, to further his ministry by preaching the gospel and sharing the truth about the resurrected Christ. “31 Then the churches throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had […]

Acts 9:26-30 Saul at Jerusalem

As a new Christian, after he was baptized by Ananias, Saul spent days learning the ways of discipleship with other believers in Damascus, the affluent Greek metropolis and oldest city known to man. Shortly thereafter, Saul began to preach the gospel and share the truth about the life, death and resurrection of the Christ throughout […]

Acts 9:10-19 Ananias Baptizes Saul in Damascus

On a journey from Jerusalem, Saul of Tarsus was visited by Jesus who asked the Pharisee the reason why he was persecuting Him, and His servants, then the Lord instructed Saul to make his way to Damascus where further instructions would be delivered to him. Greatly perturbed by the encounter and now blind, Saul waited […]

Acts 9:1-9 Saul Converted on His Way to Damascus

A Jewish pharisee who denied the deity of Yeshua, the risen Christ, Saul was on the offensive against Christians throughout Judea. Saul was of the tribe of Benjamin, and he was born in Tarsus, a Grecian city. A tent maker by trade, Saul was the son of a Roman citizen. “1 Then Saul, still breathing […]

Acts 8:14-25 The Samaritan Sorcerer’s Sin

Persecuted for their faith in the resurrected Christ, Christians were scattered throughout Judea, busy advancing the gospel as part of their fulfillment of the great commission. “14 Now when the apostles who were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them, 15 who, when they […]

Acts 8:9-13 The Samaritan Sorcerer’s Profession of Faith

As members of the early church were persecuted, and executed for their faith in the resurrected Christ, the church continued to grow throughout Judea and Samaria where believers were scattered as part of God’s perfect plan. One of the seven disciples chosen to serve the poor in Jerusalem, Phillip, had been preaching the gospel in […]

Acts 8:4-8 Christ Is Preached in Samaria

After Stephen’s execution, Saul of Tarsus led an offensive against Christians, going door to door in search of believers in an attempt to annihilate the movement. God’s plan called for ministers of the truth to scatter throughout Judea and Samaria, using Stephen’s blood as fuel to further the church of the resurrected Christ. “4 Therefore […]

Acts 8:1-3 Saul Persecutes the Church

Led by Saul or Tarsus, outside the walls of Jerusalem members of the Sanhedrin executed Stephen, a disciple of Yeshua, the resurrected Christ. “1 Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea […]