The Gospel of Mark

Mark 12:41-44 The Widow’s Two Mites

In his epistle written around A.D. 66, John Mark began his letter by introducing John The Baptist, God’s messenger by describing how his role was to announce the coming of the Messiah, and baptize Him in the Jordan River so Jesus could fulfill all righteousness, and be identify with those He came to redeem. After […]

Mark 11:12-14 The Fig Tree Withered

In his epistle written around A.D. 66, John Mark began his letter by introducing John The Baptist, God’s messenger by describing how his role was to announce the coming of the Messiah, and baptize Him in the Jordan River so Jesus could fulfill all righteousness, and be identify with those He came to redeem. After […]

God is Faithful. And funny, too.

The children were just as challenging today as I expected them to be, you know, sometimes you can tell after the first 15 seconds of the day what type of day they were going to have.  BUT, God is faithful and He was here, with me, today.  I did not stumble.  I held it together […]


A bit of a challenging start to the day…tired mommy with lots of chores this morning, and three tired, cranky kids.  Started praying to God that His patience would shine through me and that today He would be glorified in my victory, not my defeat.  Opened my email to find a dear friend bleeding from […]

A fool for Christ

Good day.  RV field trip this morning, Sunset beach all afternoon and evening.  Shared God’s love with a young couple, full of promise but heading down the path to destruction.  I don’t mind being a fool for Christ.  I’ve been all kinds of fools, I’ll gladly take this one.

What is the driving force in Your life?

We are all driven by something. These days, greed, power or even jealousy are unfortunately at the top of the list. While our faith should be the driving force in our lives, our love for the Lord often takes a back seat to temptation. A minister of God, I am blessed to be surrounded by […]

Faith without Works is meaningless

The apostles Paul and Peter certainly have quite a colorful relationship throughout the bible, in the second chapter of the book of Galatians Paul wrote about his rebuking Peter, an fellow disciple of equal standing in the eyes of God While Catholics believe Peter held a higher position than Paul among the Christian church, critics […]