The Holy names of God – Never use them in Vain

In a recent project with a publishing company I was asked to write about the various names of God found throughout the bible. My research led me to interesting findings I felt called to share through this ministry. Did you know there were more than 21 names for God in the bible? In deed, those […]

How large is your debt to God?

My passion for the Lord is obvious. Since being born again in October 2000, my desire to serve God has been at the forefront of my life. Through the holy spirit I embrace discipleship and through this ministry, I am blessed to be a blessing to one and all. This week in my study of […]

Take Heed to your Ministry

I have been a Christian my entire life, born of Catholic parents and baptized in holy water less than one month thereafter. Like most Catholics I grew up assuming I was on my way to heaven no matter what. Thankfully I was born again in October 2000 while visiting a friend in California. At age […]

Do not Envy the Wicked

One of the biggest challenge Christians face today involves financial success. Surrounded with tremendous opportunity and wealth, believers are commanded to trust in the Lord for basic necessities, safety and even and happiness. While many that live for the world thrive from evil, Christians are asked to embrace challenges that come with discipleship. Suffering, persecution and even […]

Making the Most of Every Witnessing Opportunity

“One day every tongue will confess, every knee will bow either willingly or not. I choose to confess and bow willingly.” Quoting the word of God to the passenger sitting next to me on a flight to Atlanta, I am driven to make the most of every opportunity to preach the word of God. Flying […]

True Disciples of Jesus Christ

Being Christian is no cake walk. True disciples of Jesus Christ are saved by faith and justified by works. Judged according to what we say, what we do and what we endure, disciples need a solid foundation to survive the ongoing flood brought on by the world. The recipe for a solid foundation can be […]

The Parable of the Two Sons

My wife Elizabeth teaches Sunday school at Calvary Chapel. This week’s lesson featured the parable of the two sons, a story symbolic of the Christian church made up of both faithful believers and hypocrites. Watching Liz cheerfully teach toddlers about obedience inspired me to write about this simple yet powerful parable told by Jesus in […]

Best way to get Revenge

We have all been wronged at one point or another by either a friend, a family member or even a a stranger. Our instincts drive us to react in a worldly manner often making the situation worse. This message provides biblical ways to get even with those who did us wrong… Bitterness, discord and anxiety […]

Who wrote the Bible?

One of the most popular questions in ministry involves the origin of the bible. Countless times I have been asked by whom and when the bible was written. In this week’s message I will provide answers to the most commonly asked questions about the word of God. The bible consists of two sections, the old […]

Abortion is Murder

In the United-States, one out of every three pregnancies results in abortion. This translates into 1.5 million abortions each year, in the US alone. What is even more troubling is that 93% of these abortions are based on convenience. While these numbers seem to be too shocking for many to grasp, I can painfully relate […]